Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jiffy Jersey Cream Cake from A ROUTE 66 FAMILY

 ~ adapted by Juanita Balmer from the 1940 WPFA 
“Good Food” cookbook
Into your measuring cup put one-fourth cup melted butter, break one egg, and fill the cup with Jersey cow’s cream.  Sift together one and one-half cups flour, one cup sugar, two teaspoons baking powder, and a pinch of salt.  Combine the two, add flavoring, and beat vigorously.  Bake in a loaf pan in a Moderate oven.  Good for short cake, or put Divinity Icing on top when strawberries are out of season.
 Joyce's note:  The Jersey milk was unpasteurized, and thicker than modern Half n Half.  For today's chefs, use half and half or whipped cream base or some combination of the two.

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